Uşak İl merkezine yaklaşık 4 km uzaklıkta bulunan Huzur Park, piknik ve mesire alanı olarak hizmet vermektedir. İçerisinde çocuk parkı, amfi tiyatro, tenis kortları, futbol ve basketbol sahaları, yüzme havuzu, kafe ve restoranlar bulunmaktadır. Ziyaretçilerine doğa ile baş başa zaman geçirme imkanı sunmaktadır.
🔽 Info: 
Located approximately 4 km away from the city center of Uşak, Huzur Park serves as a picnic and recreation area. It includes a playground, amphitheater, tennis courts, football and basketball courts, swimming pool, cafes and restaurants. It offers its visitors the opportunity to spend time alone with nature.
🔽 Info: 
Der Huzur Park liegt etwa 4 km vom Stadtzentrum von Uşak entfernt und dient als Picknick- und Erholungsgebiet. Es umfasst einen Spielplatz ein Amphitheater, Tennisplätze, Fußball und Basketballplätze, ein Schwimmbad, Cafés und Restaurants. Es bietet seinen Besuchern die Möglichkeit, Zeit allein mit der Natur zu verbringen.
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